
Capture the Flag competitions (CTFs) are a fun (and legal!) way of learning computer hacking. The Competitive Computer Security (CCS) society was founded in 2016 with the aim of introducing newcomers to CTFs, and helping experienced competitors to develop their skills and compete (sometimes internationally!). Check out the about page to learn more about CTFs.
Over the last few years, our CTF teams have competed across the UK and abroad in places as far-flung as Singapore, as well as taking part in numerous online competitions. Last year, our first team (Ox002147) were ranked best academic team in the UK, and 96th best in the world, on ctftime.org.
Alongside the successes of our experienced competitors, we introduce keen newcomers to the world of CTFs, running sessions to teach key concepts, and facilitating participation in friendly competitions.
If you're interested in joining us then come along to one of our sessions or sign up for the mailing list at ccs-subscribe@maillist.ox.ac.uk.